How does a new church get started? What will Riverside's next church plant be like? Here's a general glimpse into the church planting process and a closer look at Gibson's call to plant Ridgeline.
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Sept 12, 2021
Give me all the Bacon & Eggs you Have
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
Alessandra shares God's comfort in the midst of challenging situations in our lives.
Keep ReadingEntertainment for the Enemy?
God doesn’t stop writing our stories at salvation. He continues to give us new lands to conquer and enjoy!
Keep Reading-
- Faith27
- Scripture24
- Sermon 21
- Mission18
- Gospel Applications17
- Discipleship9
- Book Reviews9
- Synergy8
- Music7
- Christmas5
- Evangelism5
- Uncategorized5
- Identity4
- Generosity4
- Eternity4
- Worship4
- Appreciation3
- Church Planting3
- Prayer2
- Movies2
- I Am Second2
- Testimony2
- Recovery1
- Transition 1
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- Connecting1
- Core Values1
- Proverbs1
- Orphan Ministry1
- Community1
Nov 18
Top 10 Smartphone Apps for Spiritual Growth
Smartphones can be a distraction, used for sinful desires, or used for spiritual growth. This post includes tips for sanctifying your smartphone usage and my top 10 spiritual growth apps.
Oct 13
Downgrade Me
May 23
How to Walk by the Spirit
May 19
Guest Blog: Mark Cahill Newsletter
Mark Cahill recently spoke at Riverside and blessed us with his evangelistic zeal and helpful insights into how to be a better witness for Jesus Christ. Today we are featuring the content of his monthly newsletter as a guest blog.
May 16
Is the End Really Near?
You may have seen the billboards (1200 are up nationwide) or heard the radio shows about Harold Camping's prediction that Jesus will return on Saturday, May 21st. Here is a great article with sound Biblical teaching on predictions like these. Don't cancel your weekend plans...
Apr 28
Orphan Ministry
When God chose the language to describe our salvation, he often used the picture of adoption into His family (see Romans, 8:15, 8:23, 9:4, Galatians 4:5, Ephesians 1:5, John 14:18, 1 Thessalonians 2:17, and James 1:27). It’s a beautiful picture of extending grace, mercy, love, and rights to an undeserving party. Riverside is excited to live out this beautiful metaphor through the start of an orphan ministry! To get a better idea of what this will look like, we asked Mary to share her vision and background for this ministry.
Apr 27
Prayer: Shameless Audacity
Jesus, while teaching his disciples how to pray, gives them practical advice from a parable. Does the language He used describe your prayer life?
Mar 17
Does Love Really Win?
What a pastor wants his church to understand about Rob Bell's new book "Love Wins"
Feb 26
Synergy: Riverside's Discipleship DNA
Synergy is what we call Riverside's process of multiplication, including how we go about making disciples. There are a few unique aspects of the discipleship process that we integrate into every discipling relationship. These are the distinct elements we emphasize in our disciple-making process at Riverside
How do we accurately evaluate where a person is spiritually? How do we know what to do to move them into maturity and Christ-likeness? We use two different tools to helps us assess where people are spiritually.
Feb 26
Synergy: Riverside's Definition of Disciple
We must understand and agree on what is a disciple if we are to work together to make disciples. A disciple is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and serving Jesus. We get this definition from Matthew 4:19: "Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Dec 22
Answered Prayer in My Pocket
Generous people regularly give to Riverside. We love being able to use that generosity to meet needs! We receive dozens of calls from families in need at this time of year. Not having to turn them away demonstrates the faithful love of the Father who meets all of our needs.
Nov 15
Transformed Lives... Right Here at Riverside
Dawn, a member at Riverside, submitted this story of how Jesus transformed her life.
Most people read and research and plan carefully for a week-long vacation, but never give any thought to life after death. The Bible is extremely clear about Heaven and Hell. Most people just assume they will go to Heaven, but they've never really thought seriously about why. Eternity is too long to be ignorant of the Biblical data concerning Heaven and Hell.
Oct 26
I Am Second Community Service Project
On Saturday, October 30th, 2010 volunteers from Riverside Community Church and Warrington Fellowship Church will paint the exterior of the former go-go club at the corner of 611 and Titus Road in Warrington, PA.
Aug 31
Sow Generously...Reap Generously
Are you having a hard time sharing your faith? Here are some simple tips to increase your opportunities to share the gospel.
Aug 30
30 Day Prayer Challenge
Prayer is so important for developing an intimate relationship with God. Actually praying is intimidating for many people though. Try using the Lord's Prayer as a model for the next 30 days and see if it strengthens your intimacy with God!
"Vision is a clear mental picture of what the future could be like." (First Steps, p. 5) How do you see Riverside in five years? In ten years? What about fifty years from now? What we build today should be dictated by the vision that God gives us for His church generations from now.
Why are so many Christians unfamiliar with the Bible? We are a people with more Bibles per household than most cultures, but we fail to saturate our lives with the Word! What are the top reasons why people don't read and how you can overcome them.
Aug 9
Why I Hate Go-Karts
After three encounters with hard-core mother earth worshipers, Gibson reflects on the truth from Romans that people often love God's creation while despising the God who created.
An introduction to the "First Steps" manual used by Riverside to fulfill the Great Commission in a strategic, intentional and unified process