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Join us as we begin our summer sermon series in the book of Genesis called "In the Beginning"!

Why is being obedient to Christ so hard? What does Jesus say about being obedient to Him?

A summer sermon series looking at how the Psalms point to Christ as well as what a real, authentic relationship looks like with the living God in the midst of pain and suffering in our lives.

Real change happens in our lives when we apply "one bit" of scripture to "one bit" of our lives at a time.

Living a life of love that is balanced.

A brief look at how I communicate what I really believe and the most compelling parts of the Christian message.

Are we living as a true resident of the Kingdom? The beatitudes show us how.

A look at how finding security and significance in Christ affects our relationships.

What are your initial thoughts after the election? What does your reaction to the election results say about your own heart?

A look at what the apostle Paul speaks about in Philippians 3:8-11.

A practical guide to listening to sermons. (Part 7 of 7)

A practical guide to listening to sermons. (Part 6 of 7)

A practical guide to listening to sermons. (Part 5 of 7)

A practical guide to listening to sermons!

What does it look like to have a "real relationship" with God?

To be made in God's image means that we are made in love. This explores the deeper meaning and implications of what it means to be made in the image of God.

Understanding the heart of God as a Father.

Understanding what it means and how to live a life of one who is beloved by God.

Over the next 10 weeks, we'll have an opportunity to walk through the book of Ruth. We hope you'll join us at Riverside Community Church for a powerful series of messages revealing God's definition of love!