In March of 2010 I went on a ministry trip to Dallas to visit the E3 Partners headquarters.  This group developed the revolutionary evangelism website "I Am Second."  I heard the E3 story from Mike Jorgensen and walked away inspired.  It's been six months and I'm still enamored with this organization and the ways that God has used them over the last quarter century in missions and church planting.  They have successfully been used of God to plant hundreds, maybe thousands of churches that have planted more churches, all around the globe.  After spending four hours with Mike, he shook my hand, gave me his card and handed me a copy of "First Steps" like it was a newborn infant.  We walked the hallway and saw covers of the manual framed in fourteen different languages.  I couldn't wait to begin reading!

On the flight home I began working through "First Steps."  I realized three things immediately: 1) It was incredibly basic and simplistic, and 2) it was thoroughly scriptural, and 3) it was field tested and proven over the course of 20+ years of mission experience. I have read and re-read the 142 page manual three times.  Each time I am inspired by its simplicity and focus on practically fulfilling the Great Commission.

Riverside is adopting this manual in an effort to equip our leaders to accomplish the task of making disciples who make disciples.  Over the next year, our leadership team will gather to teach and implement the basic biblical strategies outlined in this manual.  If you would like a copy of this resource, E3 Partners has it available as a free download.

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