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Join us as we begin our summer sermon series in the book of Genesis called "In the Beginning"!

Alyssa shares how in our lives we come to a point when its only Christ that can fix what is wrong.

How we are called to walk, love, encourage and share burdens with one another within the truth of God’s Word.

Alessandra shares what it means to walk in the Spirit daily and to not satisfy the flesh.

Danielle Fields shares what it means to be in a holy season of waiting in our lives and focusing on what we know.

Alessandra shares about what it means to be a light of Christ in this world.

Joan shares how our relationship holds up through problems and changes in us because God is holding true and always sustaining us.

The Fiery Trial is a sermon series based on 1 Peter.

Rediscovering your love for God in the little things.

Patrice shares her thoughts not just on the importance of time and but how we spend it.