Riverside Community Church Blog

Our world right now is full of so much turmoil.  Opinions are everywhere about every subject you can imagine.  We are inundated day by day with social media posts and news broadcasts screaming for our attention.  It can get overwhelming.  I don’t know about you but I often feel drained by the things of this world and find myself unplugging more and more lately.  I also find myself going to God’s Word more often, clinging to God’s promises and praying for wisdom to learn what my role is as a Christian woman in this world.  I am thankful for His unchanging, timeless Word that reminds me whose I am, a daughter of the Most High King, what I am called to do in this world as a follower of Jesus and how I need to be acting if I truly have given my life to Jesus and have accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.  My spiritual mentor reminds me often that God’s Word is my food, my daily bread and that swallowing even just a teaspoon a day of His Word is what I need to fill and fuel my soul and my life.

 So what has God been teaching me in His Word lately? Well, one piece of scripture that has really stuck with me and is now on the chalkboard hanging in my house that I see multiple times a day is Micah 6:8. “Do what is right, love mercy, walk humbly with God” (NLT).  I went to the good old dictionary for a better understanding of what each of these words mean.  “Right” is defined as being morally good, justified or acceptable.  “Mercy” is compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.  “Humble” means showing modesty; not being proud or arrogant.  Wow! This scripture is very challenging to me-especially the part about loving mercy.  My flesh often wants to do the opposite of that-especially towards those who have offended me!  But this is what we are called to as Christians.  God’s Word is 100% true.  We do not have the luxury to pick and choose scripture that we “like” or “don’t like.”  Again I say, this is what we are called to as Christians-to do what is right.  Not by the world’s standards but by God’s standards.  What does God say is right for us to do as Christians? We don’t want to become legalistic and check off the boxes in our daily walk with God.  We want to understand the heart of our Father by reading His Word and taking the time to pray each day so that we know what is right.  We are called to love mercy.  Like I shared before, this is a tough one for me to swallow.  But then, I am reminded how much Jesus loves us and sacrificed for us! He is my example and my strength! I cannot do any of these things on my own without having Him as my reason! He loved us so unselfishly that he died for us and I am called to love others the same way.  We are called to “walk humbly with our God.”  What does that look like in our daily lives? We need to remember that as followers of Jesus, instead of going our own way, we should turn in repentance and faith and humbly follow Jesus.

 I encourage you to study this scripture on your own and see what God reveals to you through it.  How is He using this scripture in your life? Are you willing to examine your own life before pointing a finger at someone else and how they are acting?  I have found that in this season, I need to make a conscious effort to move towards God more, as distractions are all over the place and so many other things are vying for my attention.  I pray that as you go deeper and deeper into God’s Word, you will find your true identity in Jesus our Lord and Savior.  I pray that we, as Christian people in this world, shine so brightly because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us.  “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16 ESV)

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