Riverside Community Church Blog

This week on April 1st I woke up and saw snow.  Snow! In April?  Not only was I shocked but I also smiled.  That snow was a memory of a time when God spoke to me in a vivid way.  It was April 9, 2000.  It was a Sunday and not just any Sunday but the first preview service for Riverside.  A preview service is like a public practice service.  This was the first time we let people know from our community who we are and what we were doing.  We handed out over 14,000 door hangers with an invitation that week.  We had two missions teams from other churches to come help us get those door hangers out.  A lot of prayer and hard work was done leading up to this very first service.  I woke up bright and early that morning to find 2 inches of snow on the ground and it was coming down hard!  I had a crisis of faith at that moment and even shared my disgust with God on how could He do this to us!  

That morning I went to my office for a time with God and I was frustrated.  I was using Our Daily Bread at that time and God used it and took me to Job 38.  This is a section of scripture where God puts Job in his place.  Well, as you can imagine, God put me in my place that morning and reminded me that Riverside is His church!  I was there  because He called me and He as called me to serve Him without grumbling or complaining.  I can tell you that moment in my office was special!  God spoke through His word directly to me in a time I needed Him the most.  

Have you ever had God speak to you through His word?  I can testify that He does.  As we pursue God, His word must be where we begin and end.  He will not lead us in any way contrary to His eternal word.  I want to encourage you to seek a daily plan to hear God.  If you are looking for direction go to www.youversion.com and you will find lots of plans that fit you.

On April 9, 2000 our service began at 9:30 am.  At 8:30 you still could not see two car links in front of you.  I was scared that no one was going to show up!  But God showed up and He brought 70 with Him!  That is how Riverside began.  We started because God called us and He has called you to follow Him in full obedience.  Aren't you curious what He wants to say to you and what He wants you to do?  It begins in His word!
