Riverside Community Church Blog

Have you ever rediscovered your love for something? Anything. It could be someone, something, a game, a job, etc.
Do you remember how you felt in that moment when you realized you loved again? Recently, I  rediscovered my love for the game of softball and it feels so good. Amazing, actually! I have been playing this sport for most of my life, and somewhere along the way of getting passed from coach to coach and team to team (some good and some bad), my love got lost. I got so caught up in listening to what the coaches had to say about the way I played or who the girls thought were the best on the team. I listened to the gossip and the voices in and out of my head saying, “you are not good enough”. The day that I stopped trying to impress and refute the coaches and the players was the day that I started playing truly for the one that gave me the talent and the confidence to play this game in the first place.  I started playing for the name on my jersey because I was finally proud and humbled by the team that God lead me to be a part of. This rediscovery lead me to the realization that God is working even in the little things in our life. It lead me to realize that when I pursue God with little things, He fulfills me, not with the sport or the team, but Him alone. When we find a talent or a skill that we love and are thankful for, glorify God in every possible way that you can. Praise Him. Remember that Jesus sacrificed His life for us up on that cross so that we may live with him forever in heaven. Use your talents, skills, and knowledge that He has given you here on Earth to glorify God and praise His name, so that we will one day be with him for eternity.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-25