Riverside Community Church Blog

This guest post was written by George Kalaras...leader of a new ministry that we are very excited about at Riverside.

Hi everyone! My name is George and my wife’s name is Angela. Something that motivated me into starting an addiction group through Riverside is the sole fact that I’ve been Living In Freedom for 12 years (from a 20 year drug addiction) through Jesus Christ. Another motivator for this group is the fact that Angela & I love to help/serve people. I remember being in the restaurant business for 15 years and watching people’s faces light up when they were satisfied in the service I provided, it was exhilarating. Today I like to help/serve in a different way. With an MS in Counseling and with 11 years experience working with addicts I am focusing on reaching out to those who are struggling with drugs and alcohol through the addiction group Living In Freedom.

Angela understands the Marriage and Family end of addictions at a level of excellence due to the fact that she has had hands on experience through me and our nine year relationship, she believes in autonomous learning and has taken the liberty to learn in depth what addictions consist of, and along with graduating with a Bachelors Degree in Religious Education, concentrating in Child Development she had the privilege to work with children between the ages of 5-14 with emotional and behavioral issues often associated with severe trauma, substance abuse exposure, and serious family stressors, therefore giving her insight on the family dynamics related to drug addiction. Our purpose for this group is to be a resource for those who are struggling with drugs and alcohol and to simply instill hope to the hopeless through my life’s stories. All are welcome to this group, those who are struggling with any type of addiction, those who know someone who is struggling therefore need support, and even those who simply have a heart for the brokenhearted. We are looking forward to serving you.

George & Angela Kalaras

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